Ahmed Elmi
Field MERL Assistant
I joined RAAGSAN as an intern specifically working on the Daadihiye Citizen Engagement program for three months. During this short yet highly impactful period, I gained crucial experience in primary data collection, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. After the completion of my internship, I was fortunate enough to continue working with the RAAGSAN team as a Field and MERL Assistant. The exposure to the work environment as an intern and early career professional has been immensely invaluable in shaping my approach and capabilities, strengthening my skills in managing field data collection and graphic design, shaping me into a versatile professional.
Solutions We Offer
Our work spans policy down to grass-roots levels. We value both an intimate and accurate understanding of people being served by humanitarian and development investments in Somali as well as the policy and program design of investments intended to assist those populations.