Shukri Suleiman
Operations Intern
I am thrilled to have joined Raagsan at the start of 2024 as Operations Intern. My name is Shukri and I have a degree in accounting. Despite been the newest member, I’ve had the opportunity to learn and contribute to ongoing activities, showcasing my ability to adopt to this new environment. My commitment to maintain the highest standards in my role aligns with our collective pursuit of excellence. As we continue to grow and evolve, I am excited about the integral role I play in supporting our team’s dedication to delivering excellent services. I look forward to this journey and the contributions I can make to our organization’s success.
Solutions We Offer
Our work spans policy down to grass-roots levels. We value both an intimate and accurate understanding of people being served by humanitarian and development investments in Somali as well as the policy and program design of investments intended to assist those populations.